Frame Rate

Video and television typically run at 30 fps (frames per second) and film traditionally runs at 24 fps. Most cartoons and anime are done at 12 or 15 fps to save money whereas most high quality animations like Disney feature films use 24 or 30 fps. Faster frame rates produce smoother animation but require more tween frames to achieve the same length of movie.

Flash 4 player could only achieve a maximum frames per second of 18 fps. Flash 5 player will attempt to play the higher frame rates at the expense of eating system resources. Movies with frame rate settings of 30 or higher when played on a machine with the Flash 5 player but tested on a machine with the Flash 4 player will appear speeded up drastically (See this Tech Note: and may cause the computer to crash or lock up. As stated in the Tech Note users should never set their fps setting over 30 unless there is a very special need.

Frames per second is set in Movie/Speed.